You Can Rewrite Your Story!

Proverbs 18:21 says “Death and Life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.”

Each of us have little mantras we speak over ourselves.

Sometimes daily.

These words are much more powerful than we give them credit for.

They can literally change how we view our life and the world around us.

When I was struggling with anxiety daily and something frustrating would occur, I would say “My life always turns out this way” or “Of course, this would happen to me.”

And TRUST ME, there was PLENTY OF EVIDENCE that made that appear true.

I’ve since learned that there are always TWO stories we can tell ourselves. The LIE or the TRUTH.

The wonderful thing is, we get to choose which story.

Rewrite Your Story-Learning To Live Light

Are You Drinking The Cocktail?

It’s easy for us to become locked into the negative version of the story SO EASILY.

Especially if we continually speak the wrong words over ourself.

Our brains are masters at creating the perfect internal cocktail of negativity and resentment and blame and stress.

And although this cocktail is internally killing us, we crave the “familiar” so we look for EVERY REASON around us to recreate this special cocktail of stress and negativity.

And it’s easy to find reasons to recreate it.

RELATED POST: Stop Sabotaging Your Life

There is that co-worker who can’t help but point out our “mistakes”, the neighbor who continually tells us what the HOA rules are, our kids reminding us that they don’t need our advice, and our spouse… and well, there’s 2020….

What’s strange is that on some level we LIKE to keep drinking that lousy cocktail.


Because it’s easier for our brain to feel comfortable by hanging on to old patterns of thinking rather than recreating the thoughts and life that we actually desire.

This world will give us every reason to keep drinking it.

However, there are OPTIONS, no matter our circumstances.


Rewrite Your Story Today

Which Story Are You Telling Yourself?

I want you to recount the last 5 conversations you had.

What’s the theme? (I promise there is one.)

Are you constantly finding drama and negativity, reasons to blame others or yourself, or pointing out what’s wrong with every little thing in your life?

Let me remind you that this special cocktail of stress and negativity that you’re creating for yourself  is because you’ve convinced yourself that there’s SO MANY things to be upset about, to complain about, and to fear about.

I want to ask you…

Are you drinking this cocktail?

Are you marinating your body in it?

Are you compromising your immune system for it?

Are you giving up the life you actually want for it?

I promise you, it’s not worth it.



Let’s begin to rewrite the story that God desires for your life:

  • Get VERY honest with yourself and admit you are actually drinking the cocktail.
  • Find a common theme in your life where you automatically go to the negative (your relationships, your finances, your weight, your business, your health) and RETELL the story the way God would have you tell it.
  • Catch yourself every time you reach for that cocktail and remember that God only gave you one mind and body and marinating it in resentment and negativity is NOT what it’s created for.
  • Decide to reframe EVERY situation to see what’s RIGHT, what’s WORKING.
  • Decide that your life is happening FOR YOU not TO YOU.
  • Problem solve and get creative and count EVERY tiny blessing you can find.
  • PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE recreating the you that sees the silver lining, the blessings EVERYWHERE.
  • LIVE from the story that helps you show up with FIRE and PASSION and LOVE and SERVICE.

If you truly desire to see freedom in your life, you will need to learn to rewrite areas of your story that you want to see change in.

Put the above into practice, and I guarantee you will see drastic changes in your life.

I am learning to practice this daily and it is helping me LIVE MY BEST LIFE!

If I can do it, so can you!