Feeling anxious in your home?
Many of us have been staying inside our homes more and this can soon begin to cause some feelings of anxiety.
One thing that we can do to decrease our anxiety is to actually take this time to get rid of the excess around us.
I know, decluttering our homes is not often at the top of our list of things to do.
But, it truly can make a difference in our anxiety level.
CLICK HERE to get your FREE download of 7 Quick and Easy Ways to Declutter Your Home This Week!
Believe It Or Not
Do you ever feel a wave of anxiety rush over you when you sit down on your couch to relax knowing that the dinner dishes are piled high in the sink?
Are you able to relax when you prop up your pillows on your bed and sit back to read a good book only to see the mound of laundry at the end of your bed waiting to be folded from yesterday?
Who would have ever thought that the clutter in our home can actually cause us anxiety?
Well, several psychologists have actually studied and proven this is the case.
Based on my own experience with anxiety, I would have to tend to agree with them.
Increasing Anxiety
Recently I ran across an article talking about how a cluttered home actually increases anxiety.
In Psychology Today’s article, Why Mess Causes Stress: 8 Reasons, 8 Remedies, it states that there is a mental cost for keeping a cluttered home or workplace.
It costs us our peace and well being.
How does clutter make you feel anxious in your home?
Feelings of helplessness and overwhelm bombard our minds because of the excessive “stuff” surrounding us.
Clutter distracts us from staying focused on what is important, whether it is spending time with our husband or children, or taking a much need break.
Being surrounded by clutter can also make it very difficult to decompress.
This is true both physically and mentally especially after a long day caring for the kids or being at work.
Having a cluttered home can create feelings of guilt by constantly signaling our brains that our work is never completed.
CLICK HERE to get your FREE download of 7 Quick and Easy Ways to Declutter Your Home This Week!
Do you have a “haven” in your home?
Years ago, I remember telling a friend of mine that I needed to keep at least one room in my home completely clutter free.
This room was my “haven” when I needed a mental break.
I had no idea that my need for this stemmed from the rest of my house causing me so much anxiety because of the clutter.
It seemed like every room I went in had things out of place that left me with a feeling of restlessness.
Too many toys, shoes, books, backpacks, piles of paper.
Being in cluttered rooms made me constantly feel like my work was never done.
I would literally feel guilty for sitting down to relax.
For years, no matter how hard I tried to keep everything organized, the clutter monster always returned.
Sometimes with a vengeance!
It wasn’t because I didn’t have space for things. It was because we just never put things back where they belonged.
Every item in our homes should have somewhere to BELONG.
A home of it’s own.
There is an easy fix to this and it starts with a decision to “let go”.
Let It Go, Let It Go…
Learning to let go of the many things that I have not worn or used in the last year began to make a huge dent in my levels of anxiety.
I actually think it made me a nicer person!
Learning to live with less continues to make me a more joyful.
Less is more. Less means less clutter. Less means less anxiety.
This is a good thing. Wouldn’t you agree?
Are You Affected by Clutter?
How does clutter effect your anxiety level?
Have you gotten used to the piles in the corner or on the table?
If so, be sure to get your FREE download below on how to live with less in your home.
Learning to live light,
I agree that clutter makes my anxiety so much worse. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed, I don’t even know where to start in tidying up.
Hi Sandra,
I wanted to let you know you can pick up my free printable on my home page with 7 Steps to Living Lighter in your home. It is a week’s worth of ideas on how to get past some of the overwhelm of decluttering.
Wishing you well!
I don’t have a cluttered home, but I’m feeling the increase of anxiety just the same. I guess what I have is a cluttered mind.
Hi Karen,
Yes, my mind is feeling a little more cluttered the last few weeks. When this whole thing started, I was excited to get things accomplished. Now that all my “projects” are done, my mind has too much time to THINK! I’m working on my thoughts and mindset as I know that our thoughts are so powerful. Thank you for coming by.
Lucia, because there are only two of us, I have fallen into the habit of picking up and straightening as I go. There are few days when I am overcome because of clutter, but then the days are often long and I have the time to keep ahead of things. Today I am going to sort through a closet in the spare bedroom. That might be like going down a rabbit hole, but challenges are good. Your site is lovely, Beth
Hi Beth,
Checking in to see how your closet sorting went in your spare bedroom. I love that we have had time to tackle our challenges lately.
Thank you so much for visiting Learning To Live Light.
I hope today finds you well.
Thanks for writing this because I am feeling anxious in my own home. It’s feeling very cluttered now that everyone is home ALL THE TIME!
Hi Lauren,
Totally get that! My son and daughter are home sheltering with us and my husband has been laid off. It is definitely a Family Affair! I asked everyone to do their part by picking up after themselves and each night I make sure they take a run through the house and put everything away that they brought out! Stay safe!
I can completely relate with this, especially the feelings of guilt!
Hi Yolanda,
It’s so easy to fall into the guilt. I get it! I release you, girl! Let’s do this together!