Are you Sabotaging Your Life?
You know, that little voice inside your head that quietly replays the same thought over and over again until you believe it?
“It’s too late.”
“I’m too old.”
“I don’t have what it takes.”
Could that be you self-sabotaging?
It’s the voice in your head that holds you back from living the abundant life that you are called to live.
When you choose to listen to it, you allow it to squash your dreams.
That one sentence, if you allow it to, can have a lot of control over how you walk out your destiny.
Sometimes, you are your biggest roadblock when it comes to living your best life.
Whether it be through your thoughts or your actions, you can prevent yourself from achieving what you desire most in life.
Even though your subconscious is created to protect you, if you allow it to “over” protect you, it will actually hold you back by creating a false presence of fear.
What Actions are you Self-Sabotaging with?
It’s hard to believe that many of our daily habits are actually self-sabotaging.
For instance, many of us spend hours creating goals for our future and then never take action on those goals. It’s called procrastination!
Then there is our self-talk where we can become our worst critic. If we are not mindful of what we are saying to ourselves, our life can easily be derailed.
Another self-sabotaging action that us Enneagram 1 folks often struggle with is perfectionism.
Do you ever fail to move forward because things are not 100% perfect in your mind?
How many opportunities have you missed to walk in your calling because circumstances did not seem perfect?
Your subconscious wants to keep you in your comfort zone and it goes out of it’s way to keep you there preventing you from stepping out in faith and courage.
Related Post: Are You Feeling Stuck In Your Life
How to Stop Sabotaging
Sometimes the only way to know how much our negative thoughts are affecting our lives is when we choose to stop thinking them. Acknowledging that you have the ability to choose can be a very powerful gift.
The more you avoid taking action, the more your anxiety can increase. Having a strategy in place such as incorporating an accountability partner can help with this.
Start with a daily to-do list that prioritizes the tasks and activities that must get accomplished that day. The key is to only have 3 top priority tasks and no more.
Fear can hold us back from so many things in our life. Fear of failure often encourages us to listen to the negative inner critic.
The incredible thing is, YOU get to decide what narrative you want to believe.
Stick with A Plan
Setting goals for things that you would like to achieve can give you a point of reference to run after; a destination to reach.
Creating goals can bring you clarity and focus to help you to stay on course.
When you know that there are specific steps to take to catapult you forward, you are more likely to keep your thoughts on the steps and not your fears.
Your PEOPLE Matter
Many times when we are stuck in a pattern of self-sabotage, we tend to surround ourself with those that are in the same rut.
It’s not uncommon to feed off other’s negativity when hanging in their environment. This can suck the life out of you and your goals.
Choose to be with positive people that will encourage you to step out and go after your dreams. Hang out with people that speak life giving words over you and your future.
This atmosphere will breath joy and excitement into your life, which will help you focus on all the goodness you have to offer.
You Are Not Alone
We all struggle with self sabotaging at different times in our lives.
In order to stop self sabotaging your life, you must decide to acknowledge what you are feeling and then choose what thoughts you want to believe.
You have the ability to step out of the self sabotage and into freedom.
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