Are you waiting for the perfect time in your life?
What exactly are you waiting for?
That is the question I have asked myself over and over and over again.
Procrastination is easy to do AND it is a killer of dreams.
How often do we sit around waiting for the “perfect time”?
What really IS the “perfect time”?
Can someone give me a definition?
I am sure we all have different perceptions of what the “perfect time” would be for us to take that risk, or start that business, or reach out to that friend, etc. etc.
It’s as if we are waiting for actual writing on the wall or for lightning to strike ever so near to catapult us into action.
I have news for you…there will never be a “perfect time”.
Once we realize this, we will be free to make the choice to stand up and do THAT thing.
We all can come up with a million excuses to not move forward towards our goals, dreams, visions.
- “I’ve got too much on my plate.”
- “I don’t have enough time…money…energy”.
- “It’s too late to start now.”
- “I’m not smart enough.”
- “Someone else has already done that.”
Making excuses can become a vicious cycle that will keep you from living your best life. We need to break the cycle by changing our mindset and make the decision that the “perfect time” is now!
Related: Create Space For What Matters Most in Your Life
We can choose to spend our lives without taking any risks, without stepping out into the unknown.
Or, we can choose to get out into the “uncomfortable places” and move towards the “happening places” that we are supposed to be a part of.
Stepping out from under our security blanket may be a little scary.
It’s okay to experience a little fear when we are going after our purpose and passions in life.
One thing I can assure you is that your life will go faster than you ever thought it could. When we look back over the years, most of us feel as if we have lost track of time somewhere.
As I look at photos of my kids that pop up periodically in my memories on Facebook, I sometimes gasp at how long ago the picture was taken. Where did all the time go? How on earth did I get to be this age??
When we reflect back on our lives, research has shown that most people regret not taking more risks.
Do you ever feel that way?
Are you ready to take more risks?
Stepping outside your safe zone means getting past your fears and failures.
Stop believing failure is a bad thing. If we learn from it, it is a good thing.
It’s up to us to make the decision to take that risk, to move toward our fear and face it, then move PAST it.
What are some risks you would like to take, but are waiting for a more “perfect time”?
Write them down on paper.
As a matter of fact, write them below in the comments.
Get it out of your head and into the world!
I’ve always with its too late to start now, especially after launching my blog this year. That idea crept in a lot because everyone was so experienced and it just got intimidating but I will continue to push those thoughts aside and keep going! thanks for sharing!
Hi Josie,
It is so easy to feel “behind” when we compare ourselves to others out there that have been on the journey longer. I’ve done it many times. We have to keep our blinders on to stay focused as someone needs to hear YOUR voice and YOUR story! Go get ’em girl!
I love your post today!
I have asked myself this question so many times throughout my life.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!
Hi Rosemary,
Yes, I think I’ve asked it too many times. Ha! There is joy in the journey!
I think sometimes we make the time/energy excuse or struggle because we expect or believe things should go or look a certain way. For example, when I started blogging and then attending graduate school, I really let go of my blog because I felt like if I couldn’t dedicate x amount of hours to it, it wasn’t worth doing when the truth is that my goals for the blog would take longer to achieve but at least I’d get there…if I don’t work on the blog at all, then I’ll never achieve my blogging goals. It took me some time to understand that. I was in a “all or nothing” mindset.
Hi Faiza,
I struggled with this same thing. It’s the perfectionist in us :-). Mindset is everything when it comes to moving forward with our goals. The voices in our head can make us or break us. So glad you are pushing forward and pursuing your passions!
Women tend to wait and wait for what? There never is a better time than now and grabbing life to it’s fullest. It doesn’t have to big anything major but live the life you want and get over your fear. Because what’s the worst thing that can happen? You don’t get it right the first time, you learn something about yourself, and you move on to the things that really matter. Well done post!
Hello Heike,
Such incredible truths right there!
Fear can be a killer if we allow it in. I love your positive attitude and gusto for life.
Live light,
What a wonderful post!
I have always believed that life is too short to wait for the perfect time.
Seize the moment!
Hi Robin,
Thank you so much!
Seizing the moment is so important as we embrace each day.
Being present and being bold in pursuing our dreams is so life giving, isn’t it?
Live light,
I love your post! I live by…it’s never too late to start!
Hi D’Arcy,
AMEN to that! It is a great motto to live by! I’m a firm believer that we are continually learning and growing and becoming our true selves till the day we take our last breath.
Live light!