Are you feeling stuck, confused, frozen, overwhelmed?
As women, it is easy to find ourselves here more often than not. It helps to make a conscious effort to break free from all the mindsets that keep us stuck.
Start by asking yourself these 5 questions that will help bring you clarity in moving forward.
Replaying the videos in our minds about mistakes or trauma from our past can prevent us from moving forward into the freedom God has for us.
By choosing to replay the movie, the story, the script over and over again, we allow ourselves to be tormented by our thoughts.
It’s important to learn to stop the replay!
It may be videos from our childhood, a year ago, or even yesterday.
Know that there is hope.
You do not have to cling to the past.
Training Our Brain
Did you know that our brain believes it is important to not forget certain things?
We are wired to remember what has happened to us so we can learn from these experiences.
In some areas, that works. In other areas, it is destructive.
For many years, I was holding onto fear and resentment in one of the relationships in my life. It caused so much heaviness and heartache for me until I realized I was only hurting my own self.
If we choose to, we CAN experience life changing freedom from letting go of our past stories. Freedom in our relationships, mind, body, and spirit.
It is up to us. We can choose to let the story define us or we can get past our past!
Think of who you would be without that story.
Dare to let go of the painful script you keep playing in your head.
You CAN be free.
The only person it is hurting is YOU.
Let go of the PAST.
Think about it. The thought of “I’m stuck” is just a THOUGHT.
It is optional.
You do NOT have to think it.
It is your CHOICE.
Believe it or not, stating the FACTS about certain circumstances in our lives sometimes actually creates our “stuck-ness”. It can cause us to procrastinate and ultimately give up.
Deciding, instead, what we want to THINK about our life, our marriage, our kids, our health, our job, our finances will help us tremendously.
It is our CHOICE what thoughts we want to have about a particular subject.
WE get to decide how we want to think about our day, our week, our month.
“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7).
Your thoughts will become your life.
Say no to those thoughts and or/facts that are not serving you well.
This is a great way to prevent you from feeling stuck!
Not being willing to feel our feelings is a big reason why we stay stuck!
Why does that matter?
When we stuff our feelings, we will soon need to find a way to feel better.
We will either use food, shopping, scrolling social media, alcohol, etc.
All because we choose to refuse to FEEL our feelings.
Our brain tells us we have to DO SOMETHING with our feelings. However, if our choice is to stuff them, they will eventually choose to come out in other unhealthy ways.
Life will bring sad, mad, and hurt feelings. Fortunately, we do not have to be afraid of the these emotions. They will come and go.
Learn to say YES to the pain, loss, grief, so you can say YES to the peace, joy, hope that comes with moving forward.
Purpose yourself to acknowledge the feeling and emotion in your mind and body. Then CHOOSE to let them pass through and decide what feelings and emotions you WANT to feel.
Face them head on, feel them, let them go, and choose life giving thoughts to propel you forward.
This is a huge key to having more freedom and clarity in your life.
It is easy to cast blame on those around us or our circumstances when things are not going well. We can make excuses and say, “It’s because of my husband, children, job, finances, health.
Those circumstances and people have nothing to do with how we feel unless we LET them have something to do with it.
If we choose to be the victim, we are giving them, or it, control over of our life.
Take back control, be in charge of your feelings, emotions, and actions.
Take responsibility for the way you are thinking about those circumstances or people.
Ultimately, be empowered in knowing you have the ability to emotionally take responsibility for everything in your life.
It is so easy to live as the victim.
Don’t do it.
Do you ever take time to ask yourself if you are loving and serving others well? I wrote a post about that here.
If we are not, we may be too focused on ourselves, which I call ‘overthinking selfishness’.
God places others in front of us every day that we can love and serve in order to break out of our own unhealthy mindsets.
We all have gifts to give, to share with those in need.
Find ways to show up for others so you can get out of your own head and thoughts.
So let me break it down for you.
It is time for you to take action.
- Let go of the past
- Decide what you want to think and feel
- Feel your feelings and emotions
- Stop the need to be the victim
- Start serving people with your whole heart
These five steps can truly help you move from Stuck to Unstuck and begin living your BEST life!
Live Light,
Thank you for sharing this. They are all very good points to remember x
Hi Rachael,
You are welcome. I hope it helps you stay UNSTUCK in your life. It’s a journey for all of us. Thank you for stopping by!
Thank you for this post. I comes as a pretty reminder of the things that are valuable in life. Normally I would have been in church at this moment (it is Sunday morning here), but due to the virus, I am at home and often find myself overthinking why I feel stuck and why I think that I am a loser etc. So reading all of this means a lot to me know. Especially your term ‘overthinking selfishness’. I am going to reach out to some people now and see wether I can serve them in some way. Thanks again! Love from the Netherlands, Martine
Hi Martine,
This past week has been so hard on everyone. Trying to acclimate to not having community around us is difficult. I really believe community is so important for us especially with all the fear that is constantly coming through from the media. Does your church have an online service? Ours met online yesterday. We are in Lake Mary, FL, which is right next to Orlando. There are many others you can probably worship with online as well.
Praying peace and health over you. Know that YOU ARE NOT A LOSER! You are a CHILD OF GOD! His BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER!
Ohmyword! All of the above!
Let go of the past and turn your focus outward to others.
Beautiful post, Lucia!
Hi Diane,
Thank you so much for your kind words and for stopping by Learning To Live Light! Hope to connect again soon!