These 5 tips can be a game changer in helping you stay healthy!
Remember, the choices you make on a daily basis inevitably effects all areas of your life.
If you desire to live your best life, taking care of your health needs to be at the top of your priority list.
When it comes to your health, sometimes it is the smallest efforts that will bring you the biggest results.
You may know exactly what those small efforts are, but do you actually make them?
Best Intentions
Most of us have the best intention to make good choices when it comes to our health.
However, there may be certain areas that you find consistently creep in and sabotage your best self.
For me, there are usually FIVE significant ways that can contribute to my feeling tired, overwhelmed, and even depressed.
- eating foods that my body hates
- not getting enough sleep
- not creating space for solitude
- not having an exercise routine
- not staying hydrated.
Realizing these five things and making the effort to change my habits was the first step in the right direction.
Do you find yourself struggling with any of these habits? If so, here’s five tips to change your game and your health.
5 Game Changing Tips to Stay Healthy
1. Ditch the Foods that Make you Feel like Crap!
You know what they are. Think about it. You know how you feel immediately after eating something when your body is saying, “Why are you putting this inside of me?”
For me, it is anything with GLUTEN. Now I know many of you may think that the whole “gluten” thing is a trend. Let me tell you, IT IS NOT.
I suffered for years with so many different symptoms until I finally did an elimination eating plan called the Whole 30.
By eliminating sugar, dairy and gluten for 30 days and then gradually adding them back in, I found the answer.
Every time I ate anything with gluten in it, my stomach blew up like a balloon, my joints ached, and it was difficult to stay focused. Staying asleep through the night was also a struggle.
Eliminating gluten from my diet, eliminated the symptoms.
If you know what irritates your tummy, get rid of it. Even though the rest of my family does not choose to eat gluten free, I seldom buy products with gluten in them.
My husband has found that he feels much better without it and my boys have become accustomed to eating much less of it in their foods as I just don’t keep them on hand.
2. Sleep
If any of you are Type A like myself, you may feel that sleep is a waste of precious time. Why not stay awake and knock something off my never ending list? Let me tell you, this is NOT the case.
Our sleep is so very vital to thriving in our lives as mamas and entrepreneurs.
Did you know that a lack of good sleep
- can lower your immune system
- is a risk factor for obesity
- can cause symptoms of depression and anxiety
- can cause a greater risk for heart attack and stroke
The bottom line is that depriving yourself from good sleep can cause you to crash and burn even if you are eating healthy and exercising.
You simply cannot live a healthy lifestyle without proper rest.
3. Quiet Time
Our busy lives are full of distractions and disruptions. Our hearts yearn for peace and quiet.
When we do not provide ourselves with this much needed time, it will effect our well being.
According to PsychCentral, we need quiet time to renew our minds and to achieve mental rest.
Solitude helps us discover how to make order out of chaos. It helps us with renewing our spirits and provides much needed time for self-reflection.
Taking time to sit quietly, meditate, pray, and breathe deeply can reduce stress and rejuvenate your day. By doing this for even 10 or 15 minutes you will see a difference.
Making quiet time a priority each day can truly be a life changer not only for yourself, but also for everyone around you who will benefit from your peace.
4. Move more
Many of us do not have time to hit the gym every morning or make space for a yoga class a few times a week. However, it is super important for us to intentionally MOVE MORE throughout our day.
One way that I integrate moving more is by parking as far from my destination as possible. When I’m grocery shopping or heading into the office, I try to make a habit of this.
I also set a timer on my computer so that I get up every 30 minutes so I can take a walk to the rest room or water fountain. This gives me a mental break and keeps my blood flowing.
5. Drink more water
For me, this has been a game changer. Many people do not realize how important it is for us to be sufficiently hydrated.
I found out first hand last summer when I was in Chicago for a wedding and ended up in the hospital with severe dehydration. I truly can tell you that it was the scariest moment in my life. I thought I was dying. I started having a seizure in the ER and they thought I was having a stroke. I literally told my friend who drove me to the hospital to call my husband and children and tell them I love them. I seriously thought I would never see them again.
Once I was given fluids and all the blood work came back, the doctor told me I was severely dehydrated. He said that I was lucky that my kidneys did not shut down. He also said that some people are more prone than others to dehydration. Are you?
My friend, Dayna, at Water Me Daily has some fantastic tips on staying hydrated. Be sure to take advantage of her wisdom!
Make it a priority
We all have hopes, desires, and goals we want to attain in this life. We want to live our BEST LIFE.
Remember, we need to take care of ourselves first and make the changes we need to keep our bodies healthy and whole.
Live light,
Hi Lucia – these are all great tips – and make good common sense. Getting quality sleep seems to be harder these days, but I know it’s important and I’m working on ways to improve mine. I also think eating healthy foods, moving more and stopping the rush and busyness are vital if we want to have some headspace and appreciation for the good in our lives.
Thanks for linking up with us at MLSTL and I’ve shared on my SM 😊
Hi Leanne,
Yes, I have to be mindful about getting 7-8 hours a night or I will feel it the next day. Thank you for stopping by and for the opportunity to share on MLSTL.
These certainly are game changers! If you pay attention to these simple 5 you’re on your way to a healthier life for sure.
I realized as I read that I do these 5 daily yet never stopped to think how game changing they really are. There are times I think to myself “I don’t feel good today” and not really know why. You’ve helped me to realize that if I pay attention to these 5 daily habits I may realize I missed one and my wellness problem is solved.
Hi Allison,
That is such truth! We take it for granted sometimes when we feel good until we don’t. I’m so glad you had an “A-HA” moment. I have a note by my computer with these five habits written down for a daily reminder.
These are great tips. I love the first on your list. We all know which food make us feel bad but so often put something in mouths mindlessly. #MLSTL Happy to share
Hi Jennifer,
Thanks so much! Yes, so often when we are feeling good we forget WHY we feel so good and then consume a “culprit” without thinking. My husband and I went out for Thai food last evening and I wasn’t even thinking about what might be in the dishes even though I thought I chose wisely. I can definitely feel it in my body this morning. It is amazing how our body really does talk to us!
Great tips and good to be reminded. I know I should be drinking more water but I sill don’t do it enough and I do always feel better when I’ve done some exercise. Have shared.
Thanks Christine! I’m drinking my second glass of the day as I type this. Yesterday I could literally feel it in my joints and knew I had not been consuming enough water. Focusing on extra hydration today!
I’ve never tried the whole 30? Do you eliminate all thre at once? I did try to eliminate gluten and it’s hard to but your absolutely right about feeling bloated when it’s reintroduced. These are all great guidelines to live a healthy life. 😊
Hi Nancy,
Yes, you eliminate all three for 30 days to reset your body. There is a plethora of free information online at and you can find a million fantastic recipes online.
I have found it to be the best option for me to feel my best.
Let me know if you decide to give it a try. I would love to hear your results!
Such great reminders! Scary experience for you with dehydration. We hear how important water intake is all the time, thanks for sharing your real life experience.
Visiting from the midlife blogging community❤️
Xx Melanie
Hi Melanie,
Yes, it definitely is in the top five scariest moments of my life. I have to say, I still need to keep those post it notes on my computer to remind me to drink more water each day. So glad you commented and I LOVE the Midlife Blogging Community!
Great summary of these game changers! I KNOWWW I need to drink more water. Your personal story has reminded me to take this seriously. Thanks!!
Hi Lisa,
I know, right? You’d think that would be the easiest one of them all to do. I have met more women who really struggle with staying hydrated. I’m so glad that I gave you a little nudge to keep on drinking that water! Thanks for stopping by.
I agree 100%! Sleep, regular exercise and staying and keeping myself hydrated helped me tremenously to improve my health! I switched to drinking Shungite water daily and it works wonders for skin and digestion.
Hi Eva,
So glad you are seeing an improvement by using these healthy tips. I have never heard of Shungite water. I will have to check it out!
Alas, you are right. Ditching the crap is good, but ooh so hard. I like chips and cookies. And it’s great until about 30 minutes later. That’s when you pay for it. I am trying to cut back!
Hi Julie,
I’m with you on the sweet tooth side of it. I love how it tastes in the moment, however, I feel it in my body later. I’m working on having a few healthy sweets that I can have as a “go to”. I have found some incredible recipes that have satisfied my sweet tooth and are still full of healthy ingredients. Check out my pinterest page for some yummy ideas!
I love these 5 tips especially #1. I will have to look into the Whole30 and work on it.
Hi Lina,
You can find so many incredible resources to learn about the benefits of the Whole30 online. The recipes are amazing and can be enjoyed by your whole family. It has made a tremendous difference in my body, mind, and sleeping habits. Let me know how it goes for you or if you have any questions I can help you with.
I try to do all of these but I have a hard time stay hydrated and on bad mental health days I find it hard to concentrate. At the store yesterday I bought strawberries, apples, tuna and salads. I do feel better when I eat better.
Hi Leslie,
Definitely agree. It’s amazing what one day of eating sweets and carbs will do to me. Losing focus and fatigue are two of the first signs of my needing hydration!
Wow! All of the above!
Hydration is probably my toughest.
Plus, I’ve recently discovered that my body does not do well on sugar. Truly. Even sugar in fruits. What a game-changer.
You’re talking to the girl who used to think a Mars bar was lunch! With another Mars bar for dessert.
Now just thinking about it makes me cringe.
Hi Diane,
Yes, hydration is my big one as well. I don’t know why it is so difficult to remember to drink water during the day. I always get to the evening and realize I didn’t drink enough, slug down a few glasses, and then end up having to get up 2 or 3 times a night. My favorite has always been Twix Bars! LOL.
These are great tips! Doing Whole 30 twice a year has helped me totally reset my body, figure out what’s bothering me and not drinking for 30 days is always a good idea.
Hi Lauren,
Yes! I have had great success with my Whole 30’s! I love a glass of wine at night, but have realized it does affect my weight and sleeping these days. I was able to sleep much more sound during those 30 days!